indeson Team

Gent Shala

Gent Shala - Getting Competent Expert

Gent is an experienced Human Resources Officer with a demonstrated history of working in retail, consulting and marketing industry. Skilled in Recruiting, Training, Project Management, Research and Digital Marketing with over 9 years’ worth of experience and practical knowledge, including serving as the lead developer for the whole Training Center created in the largest Retail company in Kosovo in 2018.

More about Gent

His experience with the Marketing background makes Gent an exceptional multi-disciplinary officer capable of overseeing innovative designed training modules and programs as well as different methods to deliver it. He has remarkable communication skills and empathy in which he incorporates across his fields of work, including corporate recruiting. He strongly believes in the transformational leading style which matches his proneness to knowledge sharing and driving talent and industries forward. He has a keen sense for efficient working style, creating creative solutions to manage time and task to the detail. Education

  • Bachelors degree in Design and Communications, Evolution Academy


  • Master Trainer
  • In-Company Trainer
  • Rotary International honorary member
  • Code Sprint Prishtina